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Supervision Development Series 7 - Supervision beyond the thesis Online

This supervision workshop is convened by Prof Jayne Osgood and it will take place online covering the following key topics

  • What is the supervisor’s role in researcher development?
  • Enhancing impact and public engagement via supervision 
  • Supporting researchers to disseminate and publish
  • Networking and careers


There is more to a doctorate than writing a thesis, but often other aspects can become neglected when the thesis looms largest. This session will seek to collectively map what else students need from their doctoral experience. The doctoral journey is about the holistic development of the researcher, and about ensuring that their research can make some sort of demonstrable impact in their field and the wider world. Supervisors can support students to ensure their research has impact in various ways, and that it reaches multiple audiences, that they become well-networked and skilled at public engagement.   Through open dialogue and small group discussion supervisors are invited to share insights and ideas about how students might disseminate, publish, and promote themselves and their research

Meeting ID: 971 7218 4567

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Registration is required. There are 66 seats available.

Event Organizer

Research Degrees

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